Thriller. Set within a year after the events of Batman Begins (2005), Batman, Lieutenant James Gordon, and new District Attorney Harvey Dent successfully begin to round up the criminals that plague Gotham City, until a mysterious and sadistic criminal mastermind known only as "The Joker" appears in Gotham, creating a new wave of chaos. Batman's struggle against The Joker becomes deeply personal, forcing him to "confront everything he believes" and improve his technology to stop him. A love triangle develops between Bruce Wayne, Dent, and Rachel Dawes. 2008. Country=USA, UK. 2 Hours 32 m. Scores=2222508 Votes
I am not a fan of comic-book based movies, but thought The Dark Knight is excellent.
Great special effects, decent script, good performances. Not a fan of Heath Ledger at all, but he is superb in this.
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More than a year has passed since the release of "The Dark Knight" and all the hoopla and hubbub surrounding said release has long since died down. So, a year later, with a clear head free of hype, I can ask this question: Is this movie really as great as we made it out to be? The answer is, YES. Oh dear lord yes. You would have to be a jaded bore to not find any joy in this marvelous film. That being said, it certainly is not THE GREATEST movie ever made. for example Christian Bale's "Batman" voice is downright laughably ridiculous. However, this film has arguably the best villain, best opening sequence, best comic book adaptation, and most utterly awesome action of any film ever. To those who are too snooty or jaded to give it a try (you know, the five of you. I say this: Why so serious? wink, wink.
Dark as night and nearly as long, Christopher Nolan's new Batman movie feels like a beginning and something of an end. Pitched at the divide between art and industry, poetry and entertainment, it goes darker and deeper than any Hollywood movie of its comic-book kind including "Batman Begins, Mr. Nolan's 2005 pleasurably moody resurrection of the series largely by embracing an ambivalence that at first glance might be mistaken for pessimism. But no work filled with such thrilling moments of pure cinema can be rightly branded pessimistic, even a post-heroic superhero movie like "The Dark Knight." So conclusion: It is a film of a crazy ambition because behind the myth of Batman and the power of a scenario of action movie hides a moral message rarely reached in cinema, a message of philosophic sublimation which sends back almost to the superman...
It's hard to believe that this film rates in the Top 10 of all IMDb-rated movies. Sure, it deserves more than 5 stars on Heath Ledger's performance alone. But let's face it: This movie doesn't hold a candle to Nolan's first Batman effort.
There is very little plot. There is a whole heckuva lot of brooding. There is dark aplenty, but to what purpose? I got so tired of it, I was ready to just have Heath get rid of Batman for once and all.
The Nolan/Christian Bale combo is dynamite, but this screenplay and plot is anything but.
Still, there is Heath Ledger, and he is really superb. What a loss for us all. And, as always, the movie LOOKS great, filled with the typical Nolan touches. I've recovered and I'm ready for a third Nolan/Bale effort, just with a bit more thought to story and at least some measure of action.